Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Short stories

In my googling-research I found a website called Short Story Archive, First thing I saw was it is very dull website, it does not catch the surfer right a way, I wanted to close it and start looking for something else but decided to stick with it for now, the website has all in all a lot of different short stories, from writers such as Mark Twain who wrote stories such as adventures of Huckleberry Finn to HC Andersen with his naked Emperor and the ugly duckling and so many more that some of us know and cherish.

How to define a short story, I personally would go with a story that is about a single event and is not long enough to be published as a whole book, that they are in shorter volume than normal books.

I ended with google once again (cant understand what people did before google, in a couple of years they will have restarted the calendar and the year null would be when google was invented)
and the definition of "Short Stories" is the following "short story, a fictional prose tale of no specified length, but too short to be published as a volume on its own, asnovellas sometimes and novels usually are. A short story will normally concentrate on a single event with only one or two characters, more economically than a novel's sustained exploration of social background..." -as taken from Literary dictionary.
ok so I decided to Read a couple of the short stories, and went with stories and others I had never heard about (always fun trying something new :) )
The Girl Who Owned a Bear is a remarkable short story that I actually liked witch I was more or less not expecting, the story shows how some do things that has more consequences

Here are links to the websites I surfed


  1. good start, johnny. see if you can't give this research a bit more of your time before friday at midnight. you've got a good 'voice' and i'd love to read more of your writing : )
