Tuesday, September 28, 2010

To view the perfect script

To make good script and to get it accepted is not the same thing, many good scripture are not accepted because a) Making a long introduction on script that you send,
b) making an even longer script
c) taking a long while to get to the point of the story, and or without any character evolving at any point.

When I was googling Script writing I found an interesting site called script magazine made for writers to both find other writers and work or just to see what is going on in the world of writing.

Ok I went over the list on the site my teacher recommended for us and found 2 of the 3 movies I was going to write about so I googled the last site and found another website for it witch is listed bellow

the movies I am going with are
Boondock Saints - is probably on of those movies I have watched the most and know back and forward
and is the only one that I did not find on the website so I googled it like I said above and found a website known as
ok so I know it is reeeeeally evil to laugh at this scene but the first time I saw it I had to pause the movie I laughed so much.
there is no difference in the script and the scene so there isnt much to talk about it.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
is one of the more stranger movies of the 20th century but one of the best...
the difference was mainly that they either changed the dialog or deleted it.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail -

Is one of the classic movies I took today,
this scene is about a foul rodent that can nibble your bum